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How to wear wedding veil and tiara together?

Ever since the beautiful Kate Middleton said “I do” to Prince William in a stunning Cartier design, wedding tiaras have been rising in popularity. These traditional accessories are often associated with royalty and princesses, and so can bring a sense of grandeur and formality to proceedings.

If you’ve always dreamed of wearing a tiara coupled with a sweeping veil on your big day, you’re probably wondering how to layer the two to stunning effect. If so, look no further! Here at Lace & Favour, we are obsessed with helping brides to achieve the wedding look they’ve pictured since they were little girls and we’ve got the tips and tricks you need to get this combo en pointe with ease!

How do you wear a bridal tiara?

Bridal tiaras look amazing paired with all kinds of hair styles. They can be worn either at the front of the head, for a crown-like finish, or further back like a hair band. They can also work to stunning effect when paired with either single tier or two tier veils!

The first thing to consider when wearing a tiara is how far forwards or back you wear it. Ideally, a tiara should sit on the crown of your head. Too far forwards and it can look a little bit odd. Too far back and it might not have the impact you want!

How do you wear a tiara with a veil?

Wearing a tiara and a veil is quite simple. Once your hair is styled, you simply need to slip the tiara into position and nestle the comb on the veil down into your hair. It really is that easy! We would recommend using hair pins to secure the veil, just to ensure that it’s secure. Your tiara too should sit flat on the head, with the sides tucked into your hair so they’re not visible.

Can you wear a tiara with a two-tier veil?

Absolutely! Two-tier wedding veils feature a section of tulle known as the ‘blusher’ which can either be swept back or worn over the face. To achieve this look, you should make sure both the tiara and veil are firmly in place before pulling the blusher forward over the tiara.

Shop Veils & Tiaras Today

Here at Lace & Favour, we have a wide selection of gorgeous veils and tiaras to choose from to help you achieve a pretty as a princess look. Designs range from subtle and understated to all-out showstoppers that make a statement whether you wear them with a veil or without. Whether you’re a boho bride looking to put a look together that’s inspired by the natural world or you’re choosing to channel Kate Middleton vibes, our collection of beautiful tiaras and veils are just the thing to help you achieve your dream wedding look. Shop the range online today with Lace & Favour.

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